
Essay On The Need For African American Education

Decent Essays

When asked why is there a need for African American studies? One must understand the Eurocentric and political game the American school system imposes on young children African American students are bombarded with negative stereotypes throughout primary school and sometimes even college. The American school curriculum has a conservative effort in glorifying everything European from European art, history and music, while African American history is crammed in the month of February. During this month African American history starts with the slave trade and ends with Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream speech.” They refuse to enlighten students on the great African empires or the great African American inventors. Instead they are educated about slavery and how they were savages before the intervention of Europeans. Therefore, leaves lots of African American students ashamed of their history and creates this negative perspective of not wanting to be black. This leads to the question Malcom X stated in his speech, “who taught you to hate yourself?” …show more content…

Furthermore, this creates a superior complex in white students, because they are seen in history as protagonist and emancipators even if they were slave masters, criminals and participated in genocide. Due to the white washing of history we seem to have this ongoing ideology of European Americans that are not true and that is why African American studies is so important. In order counter balance Eurocentric education, black studies need to be taught and given the same respect in academia as the rest of academic studies. Many schools especially primary schools refuse to acknowledge African American Studies as an interdisciplinary and see it as pseudo history to create black pride. Many would disagree and state that black studies is not just for African Americans, but for anybody who is willing to learn true

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