
Essay On The Role Of Self Governing In New England

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While all the colonies were essentially under the same British rule, their way of self governing was drastically different. The range of differences is due to many variables, the leaders who ruled, the type of people who settled their, their beliefs especially those about the purpose of government, and the charters that allowed them to settle. The colonies ideally held the same protections and benefits as their mainland brothers, as can be seen in the Massachusetts Bay charter, but their vast separation from their parent country allowed them to rule each colony separately and differently.
Colonies who were more religious or had stronger religious leaders like Winthrop focused primarily on the Christian opportunities their new home had allowed them. …show more content…

Pennsylvania would come a close second especially considering their success. But at the heart of it all I would argue that New England had their priorities straighter than most. The focus of government was not only to hold Christian virtues in high regard like the other colonies, or at least so they claimed, but they encouraged and enforced measures to ensure the growth and protected them from any hindrance. They recognized the effort required to maintain a colony and that a strong binding agent was Christianity. Virtuous men make virtuous leader, reinforcing the ideal that good men make for a good government. While the power did settle at the top with the religious higher-ups calling the shots, it was necessary since the people hadn’t known anything but aristocratic rule before and needed a good stepping stone for transition. New England wasn’t cut out for immediate democracy or polity, it needed a strong binding community that cared about their wellbeing both physically and spiritually. This care for their people and general way of rule is why I would argue that it was the best form from reflection and

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