
Essay On The Stonewall Riots

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At dawn on June 28, 1969 police raided the Stonewall Inn, a popular gay bar in Greenwich Village, New York. The raids were common in that decade, in which homosexuality was illegal in every state except Illinois. That night, however, violent demonstrations and street protests that lasted for most of the week broke. The Stonewall riots, as they became known, marked a before and after in the movements for gay civil rights in the United States and the world.

The Stonewall Inn, September 1969

In the 1960s, the American Psychiatric Association described homosexuality as a mental disorder, such as illness, other than it was morally condemned by all world religions. Homosexual relationships, even made in the privacy of the home, were punishable …show more content…

The three newspapers covered the riots, but only the New York Daily News reported the incident on its front page. The next day the news of the mutiny had spread quickly in the Greenwich Village neighborhood -and was characterized until now to have a predominantly gay bars and places of entertainment influx.
Throughout this Saturday, June 28, many people came to gawk shredded and burned Stonewall Inn. graffiti appeared on the walls of the bar like "Drag Power", "Defend our rights," "Legalization of gay bars", and against all odds, the bar that evening resumed their attention to the public.

Many of those who were returned the night before that day, and the crush of people this time was much higher than the night before. You could see the Queen Drags surrounded by curious tourists and even street beggars. The remarkable thing about this new demonstration that had gathered outside the bar, is that many of them pioneered lose their fear and were exhibited for the first time giving samples of homosexual affection in public, something unthinkable until then in the country. All those curious passersby and adhered, expressed their support for the gay community.

The next night more people

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