
Essay On The Storm

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Outside, the sky darkened rapidly, coating the flat ground and with a forbidding layer of grey just as quickly. I stood, shivering, as the wall of clouds pushed in from over the lake just beyond our home. Walking inside, the TV reporters spewed out warnings, while my parents watched with an unfazed expression. “We’re expecting the growing tropical storm to escalate into a Category 3 hurricane by the time it reaches Glades County in about a half hour. We advise that everyone in the red zone surrounding Lake Okeechobee to evacuate while possible. The county says it will be at least an hour before emergency vehicles reach remote areas...” My mother and father stared at each other, both of them now adopting grim look. I noticed that they …show more content…

Peeking outside, I knew that the sandbags’ attempts to protect our home would be futile, as the approaching storm would pick them up and throw them like helpless rag dolls. The wind was picking up, and the kitchen window began to creak under the immense wind stress. My dad rushed in first calling, “Josh, Josh! Let’s go. It’s almost here”.
“Ok, le’me just grab the flashlight”, I replied. But I didn’t go for the flashlight at all. Instead, I pressed my head against the window and took a long look out of it, ignoring the screaming wind and now pounding rain. My heart began to pound as I witnessed the last glimpse of daylight being gulped down swiftly by the alligator of clouds, rain, and darkness. It was a sick anticipation of what was to come as well as a strangely beautiful setting. Before long though, the sunset’s serenity faded behind the gyrating clouds, and I rushed for the flashlight. Then, I moved down the hall into the bathroom, which was the only suitable “shelter” in our home. “So bud, how was your day at school?”, Dad inquired. “Meh, ok”, was my reply this and every other time. Then, my mother butted in, sensing my obvious frustration and recognizing that my dad’s small talk wouldn’t last for long: “Look, Josh. I’m sorry we have to live like this: so far away from everyone else and having these storms all the time. You know, it’s hard for Dad and I to force you through this every hour of every

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