
Essay On The True Monster In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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The true monster in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is not clearly defined. An argument can be made for each individual to be labeled the monster. I am going to theorize that all three are the actual monster in their own magnificent way.
Victor Frankenstein is the monster: Through his absolute desire at playing God, he created life from non-living matter. His scientific ability is astounding, but the result was grotesque and freakish. I am not sure what Victor expected when he first gazed upon his creation but his utter resentment and disgust catapulted this simple-minded being into total rage and evil. Victor’s actions went unchecked and he neglected to fulfill his obligation as father to this creature. Victor is the monster for creating …show more content…

A lot can be said about how the people’s reaction to the creature molded his perception and altered his behavior. In this book, society refuses to accept Frankenstein’s creation purely based on his abnormal size and grotesque features. This sentiment isn’t unusual; even to this day, segments of society react to physical and emotional abnormalities through scathing remarks and rejection.
Frankenstein’s monster was met by scorn and violent beatings at every turn; society never gave him a chance. When the monster would expose his softer more compassionate side by saving a drowning girl, he was greeted with gunfire. The actions of society provided the fuel of evil; Frankenstein’s monster was purely the vessel. Society is the monster by casting the first stone, creating an unwelcoming atmosphere, and teaching hatred.
The monster is the monster: Frankenstein’s monster carried out vicious attacks against innocent people. He lashed out against Victor by killing his brother and wife; all which are heinous crimes. Sure he is a product of his environment, but he is still accountable for his actions. The evil inside the monster is apparent and visible through his blood-lust and rage while exacting revenge on Victor

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