
Essay On Women After The American Revolution

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The Americans freedoms’ being stripped from them is what sparked the American Revolution. The Americans got so tired of the British controlling their daily lives they eventually decided to fight back. The outcome was grand, in the fact that the Americans won their freedom from the British, but the changes, ideas exchanged, and the lack of representation was not so grand. All of these changes brought radical change in the lives of all the people, and the two groups that were changed were the women and African-Americans. Both groups continued to lack rights and a place in society after the American revolution and both eventually decided to take a stand for their freedom.
During and after the American Revolution men stressed the idea that women are less intelligent and less important in society; they have their certain roles and they should not have a role in the creation of the new republic. When the American Revolution ended, women became feminists, women who saw themselves as independent and believed they deserved just as many rights as men, or they became the ideal republican woman who was beautiful, rich, had many children, and stayed at home. In this Republican society that the men were trying to create, woman were supposed to be responsible for teaching the children to be religious and to be good people. Many woman and some men did not agree with this idea. Those women are the ones that brought the most radical change to this group. One …show more content…

John Adams said, “”the real American Revolution” was the “radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people”” (184) The most radical change was most seen to me in the women and African-Americans, who had a role in society, but were extremely discriminated against because of their race or sex. With the role that they had in society they wanted their rights as well, so they fought for them bringing a big change to

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