
Estate Planning Decisions

Decent Essays

Creating an effective estate plan can occasionally feel daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Taking a few simple steps today can help ensure that you and your family gain the maximum benefit from your hard work and hard-earned assets. By making the right estate-planning decisions in your working years, you're more likely to enjoy a successful retirement in the future while protecting your assets for generations to come. Here are some basic strategies for starting, fine-tuning or updating your estate plan.

1) Create a Will
A surprising number of successful people-including doctors, executives and business owners-lack a basic will. Others forget to sign their wills or update them regularly. Make sure you have a basic will and that your document is up to date, has been signed and notarized. In addition, make sure that your executor has a copy that can be easily found in the event of your death. Without a signed will, your estate will be settled according to state laws in your state of residence, which may or may not reflect your personal wishes.

2) Write a Letter of Instruction for Personal Belongings
A will typically covers major assets, such as financial accounts and real property. It's also a good idea to write a letter of instruction about smaller personal belongings, such …show more content…

First, if you become incapacitated for any reason, having a living trust in place allows you to retain full control of your estate. Without a living trust, your state of residence could potentially appoint a guardian for you according to state law if aren't able to make decisions for yourself. Second, a living trust offers privacy. Wills are public documents once they have been filed with your state of residence. In contrast, the contents of a living trust can always remain private and out of the public domain. Finally, a living trust can help your estate avoid probate, saving your heirs time, money and unnecessary hassles after your

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