
Ester's Journey-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

As soon as we got in our cars we pulled out fast. I had my friend in the passenger seat putting in the location on gps as we pull off. We are driving down Broadway fast (speed limit 40) I'm going 55 mph making my way up to 60 mph swerving, cutting through lanes, windows rolled down, playing loud music not paying attention to anything on the road cause i was eager to get to the destination first . Then I look into my rearview i see Ester behind me and she's coming up slowly. she passes me and “I'm thinking oh no, no way she's not getting there before me.” She passes with a yellow light and i'm speeding going even faster to catch up. As soon as I hit the intersection the light turns red but that didn't stop me cause i didn't care at the moment. We kept on going till we got to Tanque verde. On Tanque Verde street I ran a red light as I was switching lanes. I knew there was no cops behind me but as soon as I ran the red light a Sheriff switched his lights on and asked me to pull over. I was in the middle lane, so I switched to …show more content…

He was a 6ft fat white guy. I rolled down my window and He starts questioning me like "how old are you, Can I see your license and registrations?” I answered “yeah” nervously and showed him my license, but I couldn't find the registration because I didn't know where my brother put it in the car. I looked every where i can and thought he would put it. So he gave me a 900 dollar ticket for that one, and he also said I was speeding and switching lanes when I was not supposed to. So he gave me a ticket for those ass well. Then he let us go. He pulls away I'm thinking my dad is going to be mad still because 3 ticket for a first time is terible and i was under age. I should’ve just watched out more carefully so I could Have prevented this

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