
Ethical Controversy

Decent Essays

An ethical dilemma is a situation in which one need to select from two or more morally acceptable choices or between equally unacceptable actions when one option prevents selection of the other (Ong, Yee & Lee, 2012). An example for an ethical dilemma in the moral values related to health policy is the end of life issues. One of the end of life issues includes withholding and withdrawing the medical treatment. Passive euthanasia is the act of withdrawing life supports or interventions needed to keep a patient alive (American Academy of Physician Assistants, 2014). This is usually done according to the wish of the patient. Patients who do not want to receive resuscitative treatment will opt out of these treatment measures and obtain a do-not-resuscitate …show more content…

Some of these include, it can lead to the increased anxiety, discomforts due to the worsening of the symptoms and distress of the patient. It could hasten death. Those interventions which are expensive are futile during that time still increases the hospital bill. The main controversy about this issue is that it is possible to withhold the necessary treatments that benefit the patient. An example for this includes withholding of pain or anxiety medicine, that could help the patient a lot when nearing death. The opposing ethical principle includes the following. Continuation of the treatment measures can prolong the life and delay the natural death of the patient. If the patient does not wish to continue their life, prolonging life goes against their right (Center for Bioethics University of Minnesota, 2005).

The execution and use of an advance directive or living will address the dilemma on the issues of end of life care planning. These documents reveal the wishes of the patient about the medical care, provides specific instructions and designates the power-of-attorney to their healthcare decisions (Center for Bioethics University of Minnesota,

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