
Ethical Dilemma In Organ Donation

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Many times it is uncertain to decide what is best for a human being when they are brought into hospital emergency rooms. As health itself is such a complex and dynamic subject matter, doctors do their very best to ensure the patient gets the treatment they need. However, there is a system in place, which suggests physicians should perform such medical intervention if those are the patient's wishes. The following is a ethical case dilemma regarding Michael. Michael, 21 year old patient, consented to being a organ donor prior to his motor-vehicle accident, and is medically declared brain dead. There is a ethical dilemma for both the physician and patient regarding what the right thing to do is, as Michael’s family value’s are in conflict of interest with his interest and consent being organ donor. Thus, The nature of this dilemma can be experienced from different perspectives. The who is having difficulty in accepting the brain death of Michael, hence the doctors informing Michael’s consent on being a organ donor affects the family. The family is unable to decide for their loved one as to when to “pull the plug” as they strongly believe that his life should be sustained as the heart is yet beating.The family is unable to cope with the situation and disagree with the medical team that their family member, Michael, has suffered from brain death and should not longer be kept on life sustaining support. The family also is not accepting of his consent for organ procurement.

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