
Ethical Dilemmas In The Road By Cormac Mccarthy

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Have you ever pictured something happening to the world? Isis is being very harsh to our world. They have attacked several parts of the world, killing everyone they come across, mainly the Christians. In the novel The Road by Cormac McCarthy had something very horrible happen that made the world as we know it go away. Very few people were still alive during the novel and created a great deal of drama in the novel. They happened to come across challenges from trying to get food, keeping warm, and also running from the “bad guys.” The novel never said what exactly happened, but the readers have many questions regarding what happened. Was there some kind of global natural disaster? Did an asteroid collide into the earth? All the plant life was dead. The readers consider these questions because places were scorched to the ground by a fire. They know how to get through their problems, even if it is a matter of killing someone to protect each other. There will be hope even in the bleakest circumstance. In the Walking Dead, they have to keep hope throughout the …show more content…

The code of ethics was basically their mission they had to get to the coast and their might possibly be hope on the coast but when they had gotten there, there was nothing and that is when things started to get bad for the man and the boy. Also, they had values they needed to keep throughout their travel along the road. They would not ever eat a human, no matter how bad things may have gotten for them. They approached problems reasonably when something happened. One of the “bad guys” the man and the boy was running from in the novel caught up to them and he tried to kill the boy with a knife to the neck so that did not go well with the father so the father shot the bad guy and saved the boy. Not everyone they came across was evil but the man that was trying to kill the boy and the people he was with, they were bad. They were

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