
Ethical Relativism : Ethical And Moral Relativism Essay

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1. In the article Ethical Relativism, the authors give a quick overview of what ethical relativism is by defining what it is and what its problems and successes are. One thing that is helpful for analyzing ethical systems is looking at the system through the lense of different ethical situations. Since this article lacks this feature, we will be looking at the definition of ethical relativism in the case of Slavery to help show the problems that occur with this system. We will begin by summarizing what is being said in the article and then lead into an analyzation of this situation using this system. 2. To begin, the authors assume that one thing that remains indefinite is that ethical and moral practices differ widely depending on the culture that is being looked at (1). They relate this to the example of taking another person 's life. Although it is assumed that all people and cultures believe that murder and the killing of a person is wrong, this is far from the truth and can be proved wrong by many cultures throughout history (1). The authors give many examples that range from “a husband having the right of life and death over his wife” to the killing of someone who has stolen from another (1). While these ethical principles may seem strange or cruel to us, in those cultures they are considered to be ethically correct. These examples help to show the major differences that can be seen within the ethical systems of different cultures. 3. This then leads the authors to

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