
Ethics And Research. In 1932 The American Government Conducted

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Ethics and Research
In 1932 the American Government conducted a study named the Tuskegee Syphilis study, this project was administered by the US Health in Macon County, Alabama. The Government promises 600 plus African American citizens access to free medication and access to proper health care. This study subjects was all tested positive for Syphilis when they enrolled for the study. However, these subjects were denied medicine and were experimented on to help the Government to better understand the Syphilis virus. The men in this study weren’t aware of the research design and possible danger to them and their families. (Carol Heintzelman 2003 p.1) This study went on for the next forty years.
Even though the study help create a medicine …show more content…

(Earl Babbie 2008 p 69). These risks include any medical or psychology harm to the subjects. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study didn’t tell their subjects any particulars of the research and withheld information from them. This study also brought up the concerns of ‘the possibility that a person might feel pressured to agree or might not understand what they agreeing to. (Heintzelman 2003 p.1). The subjects agreed to free medication, which proposes the question that they might not of understood what that entails.
Another issue with this is that the Government Doctors also failed to obtain informed consent from the subjects; they disregarded the human rights of the subjects and committed medical misconduct. These Doctors failed to provide medication, Penicillin, which was deemed safe by this study, to the subjects. According to Ogungbure, although the black participants in the Tuskegee Study had no formal school education, the medical experts were not morally justified to deprive them of their right to know about the dangerous procedures they would be subjected to, including the painful spinal tap, unimaginable psychological stress, and constant body piercing. (Ogungbure 2011 p 84)
Withholding Treatment for research purposes
The Second ethical principle ignored by the research was withholding treatment for research purposes. The Medical Doctors withhold

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