
Ethics Is Defined As “The Branch Of Philosophy That Seeks

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Ethics is defined as “the branch of philosophy that seeks to understand the nature, justification, purposes, and founding principles of moral rules and the systems they compromise” (Pozgar, 2016, p. 3). Ethics deals with the “values relating to human contact specifically focusing on the rightness and wrongness of an action, along with the goodness and badness of motives and its ends” (Pozgar, 2016, p. 3). Ethics is studied to help us make sound judgments, right choices, and good decisions. It is specifically used in healthcare to help “anticipate and recognize healthcare dilemmas while making good judgments and decisions based on universal values that also work simultaneously with laws and the constitution” (Pozgar, 2016, p. 3). When laws …show more content…

13). During the time of her case was also the time of Jim Crow, which is why she did not receive quality care based on her race. Hopkins would not treat Blacks or other that could not afford medical care even though it was only 20 miles from her home. Certain areas all over the world practice different medical treatments, and personally I find this disturbing past the point of religion. My personal ethical opinion is that all patients should be treated with the best quality care, no matter where they come from, or what they have done. To me, a life is a life. My professional ethical view is the same as any other rightfully trained healthcare provider. Healthcare professionals must take an oath stating that one must care for patients as individuals and they should be provided with the best possible care regardless of their age, ethnicity, sexuality, religious beliefs or politics. It is the clinician’s ethical duty to not be judgmental, but supportive of the patient’s choices. As a healthcare professional, I could never be judgmental of a patient’s choices. It is their body and they have to right to say what they want or do not want to be done to it.
While visiting John Hopkins, Henrietta met with Howard Jones, the gynecologist that was on duty. He noticed the lesion on her cervix, however this was nothing like anything he had seen before. During their consultation, Howard Jones took a small sample, sent it to pathology, and sent Henrietta home. After

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