
Ethnic Ethnicity And Ethnicity

Decent Essays

While reading about ethnic minorities, I made many observations about the group as a whole as well as each separate ethnicity. One observation I made is that according to the figure on page 63 in the textbook, African Americans have the lowest median income as of 2014. The African American population has dealt with poverty for so long and the level of poverty continues to rise. This has lead to an increase in dependence on social welfare programs in the African American community. Due to the massive amount of environmental stressors, the health of African Americans is being greatly impacted. Life expectancy is much lower. As the author writes, “In 2014, black males had a life expectancy of 71.8 years compared to 76.5 years for white males” (p.65). Another important observation is that the lives and history of American Indians have and always will be changed because of White settlers. Because of the ongoing turmoil, deprivation, and displacement that American Indians faced, reports of poverty, drug and alcohol abuse, and health problems are the most prevalent in this group. According to the text, “In 2004, American Indians were 770 percent more likely to die from alcoholism, 420 percent more likely to die from diabetes…” (p.68). My last observation that is the most prevalent to today’s time and especially in California is the massive influx of immigrants. While reading I observed that the largest group of immigrants that come to the United States is from Asia at 41% (p.70).

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