
Ethos Pathos Logos

Decent Essays

Throughout the debates, many speakers from all age and profession make a strong point and indeed produce a vivid reaction from the audience. Predominantly, the speakers use ‘pathos.’ The speakers choose this strategy because the incident involves the loss of people, especially children, so every viewer is going to be moved. Indeed using ‘pathos’ is effective in this debate since the intended audience is close to the victims. The speakers demonstrate compassion and empathy in their speech. Senator Rubio opens his introduction speech by saying: ‘The -- there are no words that could describe the pain that a parent feels at the loss of a child or when you lose someone that -- it's not natural to lose a child.’ By appealing the audience and viewers’ …show more content…

The difference between the audience’s reception of both of this speakers’ ideas is because Dana Loesch relays more on ‘logos.’ She uses different example one of is The Southerland Springs murderer who passed the background check even if he was mentally disabled. She also uses evidence, evoking that fact that Nikolas Cruz received thirty-nine visits from the authorities and also the fact that he had previously assaulted his parents and had knives at school. By using these pieces of evidence, she uses deductive reasoning. This approach is not working for the intended audience is because it is too brutal and too direct even if the evidence is convincing and true. In addition, Dana Loesch’s tone is more defensive than the other speakers: ‘What the -- let me answer. If we're here to have a discussion, that's why I'm here. You -- I want you to ask me every question. I want you to give me every question.’ The students, parents, and teachers of Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school asked questions while looking directly into the eyes of the others speakers which shows their

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