
Eugenics Is A Theory Of Eugenics

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During the late 19th and early 20th century a popular new theory started to spread. Based in the ideas of Charles Darwin, the theory of eugenics came about. During its time, it was embraced almost unanimously throughout the world. This theory had very few objectors to the practice of eugenics. But what is eugenics anyways? Why was it poplar exactly? And what were its impacts on the world we live in today? Eugenics is a theory that had many different reasons for being popular, and many differing impact on our world today. Eugenics is an interesting topic that could be said to have taken the world by storm in the late 19th and early 20th century, and exploring its meaning, popularity, and impacts is too. Eugenics, simply put, is the …show more content…

But, after Galton released his research many found the theory interesting.
Interesting enough that eugenics became an academic subject taught and researched at a multitude of colleges and universities. This research at colleges and universities were given funding from various sources such as the rich and government. There were even three International Eugenics Conferences which gave a global location for eugenicists where they could meet. With gatherings in 1912 in London, and in 1921 and 1932 in New York. This interest in eugenics was not only limited to the academic world (Haller)(Bashford).
Eugenic policies began being employed during the early 20th century in the United States. Later, in the 1920s and 30s, eugenic policies were applied in other countries, comprising Belgium, Canada, Japan, and many others (Adams). The policies and programs were mainly implemented in different degrees around the world include, genetic screening, birth control, marriage restrictions, segregation of both race and the mentally ill, obligatory sterilization, forced abortions and pregnancies, and genocide(Bashford). Many different groups of people were targeted by these policies. Those who were targeted included the poor, mentally ill, blind, deaf, disabled, promiscuous women, homosexuals, and racial groups – the most notable racial groups targeted were the Jews and Gypsies during the holocaust (Dikotter).
As a social movement, eugenics reached its greatest

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