
Euphrate And Mesopotamia Similarities

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The Egyptian and Mesopotamian early civilizations came to be what they are today because when they both settled down into their locations, their civilization thrived. They thrived because they were located near rivers and fertile land. Ancient Egypt was located close to the Nile River, in North East Africa. The life of Ancient Egypt was centered around the river Nile and the fertile land along its banks. Ancient Mesopotamia was located in what is now Southern Iraq. Ancient Mesopotamia was between two rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates. It was also included in part of the “fertile crescent”. The “fertile crescent” was a place where it was easy to grow food, and there are rivers and streams that are fed from the mountains, and a rainy season that helps water the soil.
Some of the similarities between Egypt and Mesopotamia are that the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers in Mesopotamia and the Nile River in Egypt were essential to the survival of these two civilizations. Also, both Egypt and Mesopotamia suffered from flooding of their own …show more content…

Egypt emphasized strong central authority, while Mesopotamian politics shifted more frequently over a substructure of regional city-states. Next, Mesopotamian art focused on less monumental structures, while embracing a pronounced literary element that Egyptian art did not have. Also, Mesopotamians lacked access to the great stones for building, while Egyptians could import them for their monuments. The Mesopotamians didn’t have that much belief for the afterlife, but the Egyptians made great tombs and pyramids that have made Egypt and some of the pharaohs live on in human memory in motivation to the afterlife. Finally, Mesopotamia was more productive of technological improvements because their environment was more difficult to manage than the Egyptian’s

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