
Euthanasia And The Death Of Euthanasia

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Generally people do not seem to realize the variety of problems that occurs when the abolition of Euthanasia is upheld. Terminally ill patients who request to die formally in ways like the painless lethal injection are practicing to the act of Euthanasia. When living with an intolerable condition each and every day the feeling of death will cross your mind numerous of times. When facing the fact that the incurable condition will only lead to one’s death is heartbreaking. Many patients are diagnosed in conditions where they only have a certain amount of time to life than the condition will overcome their life. That is when these victims revert to the most logical solution at hand by ending the suffering under their own terms. Avoiding the sudden and unpredictable outcome to their diagnosis since the end come occur at any point. Even the doctors of these patients dispise setting the reality in these diagnosis knowing they have no way out but to suffer. Euthanasia has become the saving grace for these patients who realize Euthanasia is best for themselves and their families in their conscious mindset. Under permission and consent from the patient and their families doctors should be allowed to prescribe painless pills that will take their lives at their own terms. The right-to-die, family matters, harmlessness and financial deficiency is just some of the many reasons why Euthanasia should not be prohibited in the US.
Human beings have their right to prolong their lives when

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