
Euthanasia Quotes

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Euthanasia is the practice of intentionally ending a life of extremely ill persons life, Euthanasia however is usually only done once somebody is in an incurable condition. Euthanasia in Australia is currently only legal in the Northern Territory for patients who are terminally ill.

The short story “Euthanasia” promotes the idea that Euthanasia should be legalized. The short story is about a soldier who survives an explosion and several gun wounds in his arm, lungs and thigh causing him to live in constant pain without a chance of a full recovery.

The short story “Euthanasia” promotes the message that Euthanasia should be legalized. The story uses language to describe the moment he was euthanized as the “antidote that relieved him”. This quote means that Euthanasia was the only cure available to the solider that could cure him completely. The story also uses language to describe pain he was in from the gunshot as “The poison that leeched his life”. This quote means that the pain from the gunshot wounds were incredibly painful and if he were to continue living his life would be of a very low quality due to the pain. The story also uses the quote “As he took his last breaths he forced a smile upon his lips.” this quote shows how …show more content…

The song uses the lyrics “Your illness grows no cure it know” These lyrics are used to show how everyday the patients health would continue to deteriorate over time and there will still be no cure. The lyrics “You request a gentle death” also promotes euthanasia as it describes being euthanized as a gentle death, these lyrics also means that patients with incurable diseases should be able to request euthanasia. The song also uses the lyrics “slow demise, is this real life?” which means that patients with these illnesses in an incurable state are living a slow death which promotes euthanasia even further as it again invites the listener to sympathize with

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