
Euthyphro Paradox

Satisfactory Essays

The Trials and Death of Socrates by Plato is known for the “Euthyphro Paradox” because it talks about one of man kinds age old questions about god and morality. In this essay I will addressing the paradox along with my opinion on what I think Socrates would have done if he was in Euthyphro’s shoes. Euthyphro decided to put his father up for trial because he is wrongdoer and killed a man. Socrates talks with Euthyphro for some time about his case, but he never says which side he’s on. This is going to be the objective of this essay is to figure out what Socrates would have done.
The “Euthyphro Paradox” also known as the “Euthyphro Dilemma” is a classic question about god and morality. It aims to show that god in fact cannot be the source of

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