
Evaluation Of The Performance Based Assessment

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Assessments play an integral part in the classroom. The book, Content Area Reading states that an assessments purpose is to “gather and synthesize” information about a student’s learning. Teachers utilize a variety of assessments in the classroom to gauge a student’s strengths, weaknesses, and gains. Assessments exercised in the classroom are in several formats: performance-based, formative, and summative. However, assessments must be authentic to be effective in the classroom. An authentic assessment “successfully engages students in instruction with personally meaningful real-life contexts.” The information obtained through an assessment provides teachers with a better “understanding and insight” on ways that can effectively teach and …show more content…

The Word Opposite Survey has various sections divided by grade levels with word opposites. The English Language Learner I performed the assessments on a 10-year-old girl named Laura. Laura has been in the United States for six months, and her native language is Haitian Creole. Laura lives with her parents who speak little English as well as another family who speaks Creole and English. Before meeting with Laura’s teacher, I reviewed the words and placed them on index cards. When going through the list, I became worried that Laura would be unable to read or understand any of the words listed. However, when voicing my concerns at the meeting, Mrs. “P.” Laura’s teacher, she alleviated my fears and assured me that Laura would be able to recognize many of the words. Also, Mrs. P mentioned that she was unsure of the response I would receive regarding the opposites analysis because they have yet to discuss opposites in class. I assured her that I would review the meaning of opposites with Laura and if she began to struggle, I would discontinue the analysis. I asked Laura if she would join me at the table in the resource room and review some words with me. She agreed, and we began the Word Syllable Survey Analysis. As we began, the very first word ‘sunup’ proved to be difficult for Laura. After her responding with an “I don’t know the word,” I asked her if she could break the word into parts and find a word that she did

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