
Even Today, In Some Countries, A Political Leader Who Refuses

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Even today, in some countries, a political leader who refuses to accept Christ will punish others who do because of the “backer” of their relentless faith. The same rule applies today because; an individual bearing their own cross will face political challenges. Paul states in Philippians 4:11c “I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am in,” which alludes to suffering. Eschatologically the pain will end one day because to live as a Christian is to die as Christian.
Jesus suffered on the cross for humanity, and the pain was agonizing. As a congregational leader, I can only imagine what it felt like to have nails or stakes being driven into the hands and feet while suffering for hours with no relief, but the only relief …show more content…

The veterans will be able to relate to the kindness of the Good Samaritan because of their service on the foreign and domestic soil. The veterans’ military service has allowed them to encounter other ethnicities and display acts of kindness. The veteran’s discipleship journey will allow each to continue to display acts of kindness.
The Fruit of the Spirit Goodness
The goodness of the Lord is historic in biblical history. First, it was God’s goodness which allowed the Israelites to cross the Red Sea onto dry land. (Exodus 14:22, 29) Second, the goodness of the Lord was displayed in the reincarnation of Jesus the Christ. The rich young ruler referenced Jesus as being good and Jesus’ response was “None is good but the Father.” (Luke 18:19) Likewise, doing the veterans’ military experience, it was the goodness of the Lord that protected them from hurt, harm, and danger. David summed it up in stating, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.” (Ps.23:13a) The Fruit of the Spirit Faithfulness
Previously, I mentioned several biblical characters who completed an assigned task by their faithfulness to God. Abraham became the father of faith because of faithfulness. Likewise, God was faithful in the Scriptures in promising humankind that a savior would redeem all nations. Faithfulness is a sign of a spiritual presence in the divine work of God.
John Wesley defines

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