
Everyday Use By Alice Walker

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The short story, “Everyday Use”, was written by Alice Walker. She has a well-known reputation worldwide from being a novelist, poet, short story writer, activist and feminist. Many of Walkers writings discuss issues facing African Americans. For her short story, “Everyday Use”, Walker focuses points on African Americans lacking understanding for their heritage. She uses a quilt as a symbol of heritage for her characters, Mama, Maggie and Dee. Alice Walker was the youngest of eight of a sharecropper. Not only did she grow up poor but she ended up being shy and timid, due to an incident that took place. She accidently got shot with a BB gun in her eye by her brother. Around that time she found solace in reading and writing poetry. Due to the unfortunate event she faced as a child, Walker was awarded a scholarship for college. She first began at Spelman College in Atlanta after graduating from her high school as the Valedictorian or her class. Walker the transferred to Sarah Lawrence in New York. The year that she graduated her first short story was published. From there, her success only flourished. In “Everyday Use”, the story focuses on a mother and her two daughters. The mother, who is mentioned as “Mama” in the story. Mama narrates throughout the story who is a heavy set woman with features resembling a man. She is seen as strong and independent. The story starts off with Mama awaiting the arrival of her daughter Dee. While waiting for Dee in the yard, Mama

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