
Examples Of A Corrupt Society In Fahrenheit 451

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“The Clueless and Corrupt Societies”
The society in the book, Fahrenheit 451 is a world based on technology and leisure. They live in a time where knowledge is getting tarnished, to the point where it does not even exist anymore. Essentially, this world is a corrupted dystopian society, but the people of our society act the same way as the people in the book Fahrenheit 451, and as a result, our world is turning into a dystopian world, like the one in the book, Fahrenheit 451. While the life of Fahrenheit 451 and our world has some differences, the two worlds are extremely similar in many ways.
In Fahrenheit 451, Clarisse is a unique teen who sees the world differently from others. At one part, she mentioned something peculiar about people …show more content…

This shows that nobody in Clarisse's world is unique or different from each other and that everyone acts identical, whereas everyone is unique and different in our society. According to Bradbury, Montag asks, “When did we meet? And where?” (Bradbury, 40) He asks this to his wife, Mildred, but neither knew when nor where they met. Knowing full well that they are husband and wife, this is quite concerning. This is because in our world, forgetting where someone met their partner is absurd and unimaginable. Nobody ever forgets when or where they met their spouse because this event is a sacred and unforgettable moment for a couple. Since Montag and Mildred forgot how they met, they have no mutual love or respect for each other, and they did not really care about each other. Those are some differences, but when it comes to behavior, that is where the differences end between the two societies. In Fahrenheit 451, the people regularly watch the TV screens all day, so much so that they are calling the parlors their family. At one part, Mildred says, ”That’s my family.” She said this after Montag asked her to turn down the volume because he was sick (Bradbury, 46). Our society has not called our electronics family, but we treat our electronics like family …show more content…

As stated by Bradbury, Beatty says, “...our civilization is so vast that we can’t have our minorities upset and stirred...Colored people don’t like Little Black Sambo. Burn it. White people don’t feel good about Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Burn it” (Bradbury, 56-57) We, of course, think that burning books are a bizarre thing to do, but this actually happens in our world. In our world, people might burn religious books as an act of defiance against the books because they hate the ideas and disagree with the knowledge contained in it. Also, in Venezuela, some people burn textbooks that schools provide for Venezuelan children. In the article, “Textbook Burning in Venezuela,” it says, “As children head back to school after winter break, many Venezuelans are still angry about their textbooks.”(Newsela, “New Elections, Same Outcome” paragraph 2) According to the article, these angry Venezuelans are burning these textbooks because it contains information that they oppose, and they do not want their children learning this, resulting in anger and the burning of textbooks. The government is basically controlling what the Venezuelan children learn, just like the government in the book Fahrenheit 451 when they burn books to eliminate knowledge that opposes the people and the government of that society. Our society is always eager to shun ideas

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