
Examples Of Abigail Dishonesy In The Crucible

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In Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, Abigail is most to blame for the Salem Witch Trials. Abigail is a seventeen year old girl in the town of Salem, Massachusetts. She lives with Reverend Parris, her uncle, because her parents were killed by Indians when she was younger. Miller demonstrated that it was Abigail’s flaws- dishonesty, jealousy, and lust – that led her to be most responsible for the witch hunt in Salem. Throughout the span of the play, Abigail mostly displayed the flaw ‘dishonesty’, which is what caused the deaths of twenty innocent people in Salem. At the beginning of the play, Abigail and all of the other younger girls around Salem were dancing, and casting spells in the woods, (which were against their Puritan religion) in attempt to get the Salem boys to like them. Reverend Parris catches all of the girls dancing and casting spells. Reverend Parris asked Abigail “Then you were conjuring spirits last night”? (Miller 23). Abigail responds “Not I sir- Tituba and Ruth” (Miller 23). Abigail displayed dishonesty here, because in fact it was not only Tituba casting the spells, but all of the girls, including Abigail. Abigail was dishonest again when Reverend Hale asks …show more content…

Abigail says to John “I know how you clutched my back behind your house, and sweated like a stallion when I come near! Or did I just dream that?” (Miller 23). Abigail is trying to convince John that he really does love her. Abigail lust for John and that is the reason she said and is doing all of this, and is trying to get him to take her back. When talking to John later, Abigail says “John- I am waiting for you every night” ( Miller 23). Abigail saying this means that she is ready for anything whenever John is and she will always be waiting for him. Here Abigail is lusting for John, and wants nothing but him, and his love. Basically this whole play revolves around Abigail lusting for John, and just wanting him to

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