
Examples Of Abigail Williams Selfish In The Crucible

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“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” (Siddhartha Gautama). The truth will be revealed; it is always stronger than the forces trying to destroy it. In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, Abigail Williams tries to use her selfishness, deceitfulness, and her bossiness to hide the truth from the people of Salem, only to eventually have the truth overcome her attempts to try to hide it. Abigail Williams is a very selfish person. Abigail looks out for herself first and always tries to get what she wants. She is even willing to threaten to kill someone to get her to do what she wants. “Let either of you breathe a word, or the edge of a word, about the other things, and I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and shudder you” (Miller 1244). Abigail tries to make Betty keep lying by threatening to kill her because she knows that if Betty confesses anything she will get in trouble. Not only is she selfish enough to threaten to kill someone, she is even selfish enough to try methods …show more content…

She threatens, hits, and yells at the girls to be able to control them easily. “Betty? Now stop this! Betty! Sit up now!” (Miller 1243). Abigail yells at the other girls to intimidate them so they will do what she wants. She uses fear to make people do what she wants them to so she can always get her way. “I said shut it Mary Warren!” (Miller 1245). Throughout the story Mary Warren disagrees with lying about the witching and Abigail does not like that because then it would worsen all of their names in the town. Abigail yells at Mary multiple times throughout the story to stop telling the truth and just go along with the lie. Abigail Williams always tries to control the other girls and them to do what she wants in order to maintain her good

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