
Examples Of Abuse In Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis

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Almost everyday people are getting abused around the world, and its up to the point that its becoming more and more common in todays time period. He's getting abuse so much but still he changed into a bug. When Gregor turns into a bug his family doesn't want to deal with anymore, so that makes his father abuse him. I believe in "The Metamorphosis" Gregor father abuses him physically, mentally, emotionally.

Gregor father was physically abusive to him in everyway he could be. For example, Gregor father chased him around with a cane making a hissing noise that annoyed him. He felt as his father was just that crazy, because he didn't know what was going on at that point of time he didn’t know he turned into a bug. Then later on he threw apples at him and got an apple stuck in his back. When the apple got stuck in Gregor back he began to become weak and weaker by the hour. However, Mr. Samsa has a short temper and he's prone to violence. So there for, he was extremely physically abusive. …show more content…

He thought it would be very difficult for his family to be financially secure without him working, because his father had a debt to pay off. His father didn’t told him that he already worked enough to pay his debt off he just didn’t want to tell him that he don’t have to work like a dog anymore. The feeling of the seclusion and not being wanted went to Gregor head. He feels as no one wants to be around him anymore. In this story, it was the lack of stress causes it to be

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