
Examples Of Abuse In Frederick Douglass

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Throughout centuries of slavery, there has always been types of abuse towards slaves. They have gone through different kinds of abuse from whippings to being considered property their whole lives. In the Narrative of Frederick Douglass, he writes about the manipulation and suffering his owners have brought upon him and other slaves. Not only did this mentally affected him, but most of it might have made him stronger.
The abuse Frederick Douglass has faced began as a child. In other opinions, this might not be considered abuse, but his owner would not allow him to know his actual age. This wasn’t violent, however Douglass claimed to be confused and unsatisfied with other white kids knowing their ages, but he doesn’t know his own. Though it didn’t …show more content…

Though many people say that his master is his father, the only thing he knew about his unknown father was that he was a white man. Since there was a law stating mixed race children become slaves like their mothers, slaveholders profit from this, as it increases the number of slaves they own. In his own opinion, Douglass implies that mixed race slaves have a worse lot than other slaves, as the owner’s wives are heavily disgusted by this. The wives would ensure that the children would agonize or be sold to different buyers. Also, Douglass considers that the existence of mixed-race slaves contradicts arguments that justify American slavery through the lowliness of the African …show more content…

As a child, Douglass did not work in the fields as a child because children were not strong enough for this. Instead, he often accompanies his owner, Colonel Lloyd’s grandson, Daniel, as a servant on hunting expeditions. Although Daniel and Douglass grew attached to each other, Douglass still suffered. As rewards and necessities for the slaves, slave children are given no other clothing but a long linen shirt and eat corn mush out of a communal trough. All slaves of Lloyd’s central plantation received monthly allowances of pork or fish and corn meal. Adult slaves receive one blanket, but no bed. The slaves are so exhausted from work that they hardly notice the hard floor they are forced to sleep on. Colonel Lloyd’s wealth is so great that he has never even seen some of the hundreds of slaves he owns. This could be economic abuse as the slaves were not paid for their duties and still made to suffer for all their hard work. It wasn’t the biggest impact on Douglass’s life, but he managed to

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