
Examples Of Act 3 Journal For The Crucible

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Act 3 Journal
Many people get tired of obvious lies, just like John Proctor had gotten tired of the girls’ lying. The girls ( Abigail, Ruth, Mercy, Susanna, and Mary) have been lying about seeing spirits, and even people being witches. John Proctor was told this by Mary, who had finally had enough of Abigail's lies too. Their lies were very obvious to certain people, and once John Proctor, Francis Nurse, and Giles Corey brought three different things of evidence, and a petition, it became obvious to at least Reverend Hale. But the girls still lied and Danforth and Hathorne were completely oblivious to it. Therefore, Many people get tired of lies but the people lying will still do what they want to do, while some people believe them.

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