
Examples Of Allusions In The Raven

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Edgar Allan Poe uses many literary elements and one of his most used in the poem the Raven is the allusion. Before we start we need to answer the question we first what is an allusion. An allusion is defined "as the act of the author to implied or indirect reference especially in literature." An example of an allusion in the raven by Edgar Allan Poe is in line 41. It said: "perched upon a bust of Pallas." "Pallas" is "Pallas Athena," the Greek goddess of wisdom. The simple act by the raven that was to sit on the bust had many means or could be interpreted in different ways. To start it is hilarious that the bird only knows one word and he is on top of the Greek goddess of wisdom. The narrator may or may not attribute, his adulation for Lenore. Or maybe to address the fact the both Lenore and Pallas are very wise women. Also, that both Lenore and Pallas are worshiped by men. …show more content…

First at the beginning of the story the narrator is very sad and affected that Lenore had died. Adding the fact that the narrator is very angry because someone or something had knocked on the door and was very mad about it. Later he started scream and nagging to leave him alone and to go away. I think that Edgar Allan Poe choose this his setting because he like to do psychological thrillers. If Poe had chosen to do this on a carnival or a circus the I think that the mood would be the opposite what actually is in the story. The reason is simple that generally go to the carnival or to the circus when they are happy. And very rarely some will go to those places when they are sad because there are a lot of sound and people. Most of the people when they are sad stay in their home crying or in a bad mood. Also, that the narrator is very stressed and very fragile to hear child cry, scream, etc.… With that mood, the setting and what happens in the poem will be never be the

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