
Examples Of Anger In Romeo And Juliet

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Shakespeare's Message on Anger and Hate Try closing your eyes and imagining something that you hate with a passion. What would you do to it? Acting out of pure anger is an event that repeats a number of times in the play, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. It was written in 1597 and tells us about the tragedy that the Montagues and Capulets have to face. Throughout the play, the characters and the audience experience many different emotions that William portrays. Shakespeare mentions that feeling anger and hate toward others can cause you to make impulsive decisions and it can lead to loyalty being broken, as suggested by his writing. William Shakespeare’s attitude regarding hate is mostly negative because as he writes about the interactions …show more content…

This quote suggests that the anger Tybalt has with Romeo is only growing more and more, and he is willing to go against Capulets wishes in order to relieve the built up hatred towards the Montagues. The feud is so powerful that it makes Tybalt believe that what he is doing is correct and it gives him tunnel vision. Due to the anger that the two families shared, many people died or suffered the consequence of this hatred. When Mercutio and Benvolio encountered Tybalt on the street, he tries to provoke them for no reason, besides the fact that they are Montagues. Mercutio unwisely accepts the challenge and Tybalt soon stabs him. In the moment, Romeo was so furious with Tybalt and he responds with “Alive in triumph—and Mercutio slain! / Away to heaven, respective lenity, / And fire-eyed fury be my conduct now” (3.1.127-129). After his close friend was just killed, Romeo can’t handle the rage that is within. Without too much thought put behind it, Romeo draws his sword and: “They fight. Tybalt falls” (3.1.137). The endless chain of death due to hate has caused Romeo to act without forethought and betray his new side of the family with Juliet. The decision to kill Tybalt was so in the moment that Romeo didn’t get the chance to think about how it would affect both of his

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