
Examples Of Coming Of Age Essay

Decent Essays

Over the past few weeks in our English sessions, we have read and discussed countless readings, short stories, and assignments. One common topic that stands out in all of the stories that we’ve read and discussed, is that all of them relate to the “coming of age” theme. Stories and readings varied, and looked like they had no connection at all. For example, one of our first short stories we read, “A&P” By John Updike, doesn’t seem to correlate with another story that was assigned to us, “Eleanor & Park” by Rainbow Rowell. And both of these stories definitely do not fit the same wavelengths, or mood, as another icon that was assigned for me, Little Red Riding Hood. But these stories have more in common that one may think. These stories were …show more content…

From stories like “A&P”, to individual assignments like “Little Red Riding Hood” they are all related to the coming of age, because they were written with the intent to give a lesson. All the stories we read and discussed taught lessons, whether for the young kids, or already young adults. For example, in the story “A&P” it can be taught in two ways, don’t be immature and treat drastic decisions that can harm you in the long run with patience; Or another way it can be taught is to follow your gut and no matter the consequences, follow what you feel is right. Another example, is the cultural pop icon that I was assigned to,”Little Red Riding Hood”. Little Red Riding Hood is a folk tale, and folk tales are told throughout a generation to young kids to teach them about life lessons. In this case, Red Riding hood teaches young kids to follow their gut instinct, and to always be careful. These stories lessons’ are important, because it teaches young kids and adults about many topics that will be necessary in the real world, and by teaching these lessons through stories, they can carry these lessons with them easily when they reach maturity, or “come of age” and then pass them down to the next

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