
Examples Of Compassion In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee shows that compassion is important to the story. Throughout the plot, Scout Finch’s father, Atticus, tries his best to prove the innocence of a black man in court who has been falsely accused of rape. There is also Boo Radley, a mysterious figure that Jem, Dill, and Scout wonder about often. As Atticus is preparing for Tom’s trial, Mrs. Dubose talks trash about him to his children and after Jem gives her payback, Atticus makes Jem do what’s right by apologizing. Also, Boo gives Scout a blanket when he sees her shivering out in the cold due to Jem and her watching Miss Maudie’s house burning down in the fire. To Kill a Mockingbird shows that compassion is important to the story with Atticus being …show more content…

Miss Maudie’s house had caught fire and Jem and Scout were watching the neighbors help Miss Maudie. Scout became cold and felt something drape over her, so she assumed Jem gave her his coat. Afterwards, Atticus called them inside and offered them hot cocoa.“As we drank our cocoa I noticed Atticus looking at me, first with curiosity, then with sternness. ‘I thought I told you and Jem to stay put,’ he said. ‘Why, we did. We stayed---’ ‘Then whose blanket is that?’ ‘Blanket?’ ‘Yes, ma’am, blanket. It isn’t ours.’ I looked down and found myself clutching a brown woolen blanket I was wearing around my shoulders, squaw-fashion.” (Lee 80-81) “‘Someday, maybe, Scout can thank him for covering her up.’ “Thank who?’ I asked. ‘Boo Radley. You were so busy looking at the fire you didn’t know it when he put the blanket around you.’” (Lee 81) It’s quite clear that compassion is shown in this passage. Scout was obviously cold, due to the current season being winter. Jem and Scout made games about him (moderately mocking him), kept bothering him by giving him notes, spending their whole summer trying to draw him out of his house, and actually being scared of him as a result of the rumors. Despite all of the wrong they had done to Boo, he gave Scout a blanket during the fire since she was cold. It didn’t matter to Boo about what the children did in the past. He saw she was cold and actually cared about her. Due to that, …show more content…

One night in the winter, Miss Maudie’s house caught fire. The Abbottsville fire truck was pumping water and the fire awoke the whole town. “In the heat between our house, Miss Rachel’s and Miss Maudie’s, the men had long ago shed coats and bathrobes. They worked in pajama tops and nightshirts stuffed into their pants…” (Lee 80) The neighbors definitely show compassion in this part of the story. The neighbors definitely show compassion in this part of the story. Although it was late at night and frigid outside, the neighbors still jumped out of bed to help. Instead of standing outside watching her house burn down and being pitiful, they jumped right in the house to help her out. They didn’t need be friends with her or have knowledge of her well enough just to help her. No one needed to climb out of their beds to help, yett they chose to, because it was the right thing to do and they were neighbors and that’s what neighbors

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