
Examples Of Conformity In The 1950's

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The 1950s in the United States started to steer into a different course. In this decade conformity became a concept to rebel against. Not only is this seen with racial issues of segregation and the feminist movement pushing for female rights, it also applies to entertainment medias such as novels, movies and television, and art. During this time people changed previous time’s ideals and strove for change which sparked the cultural and social rebellions in the 1960s.

Cold War tensions in the 1950s lead to an amazing movement in abolishing segregation and discrimination against minorities in the United States. This war opened people’s eyes to the hypocrisy of American society’s cultural beliefs. The early 1950s brought laws banning discrimination and established fair employment commissions. Brown v. Board of Education was a legendary Supreme Court case that banned segregation in public schools across the nation. This case also overturned Plessy v. Fergusson, a case legally enabling segregation, further promoting rights of minorities in The United States. The next decade was filled and focused on further desegregating races. Human rights activists such as Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. emerged and groups like The Black Panther Party were founded to teach self defense to …show more content…

Examples of this are Rebel Without a Cause. and Blackboard Jungle, both movies both movies about juveniles in high school. These films as well as several others broadcasted around the same time shaped counterculture. Presenting these “misfit” characters appealed to young audiences and led them to rebel against the previous generation’s way of life in the 1960’s counterculture movement. This movement rejected the ideas of racial segregation, women’s rights and materialism held by the generation before them and promoted sexual liberation and drug

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