
Examples Of Daisy Selfish In The Great Gatsby

Decent Essays

In life there are some people who are very selfish who can cause problems to happen to others because they only think of themselves. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby Daisy Buchanan is a very selfish character who causes many problems to others in the story. She causes the death of Myrtle Wilson and Jay Gatsby with her selfishness, is very self-centered in her marriage, and she is also selfish in her affair with Gatsby. Daisy Buchanan is a self-absorbed, vacuous socialite whose decisions lead to the destruction of both Jay Gatsby and Myrtle Wilson. The first event where we can see Daisy’s selfishness is in her marriage. She is the mother of a little girl named Pammy, but she has a nanny take care of her. She spends little time …show more content…

In doing so she was responsible for killing Gatsby indirectly. When Gatsby reached for the wheel to avoid hitting Myrtle he was too late and he told Nick “it must have killed her instantly”(Fitzgerald 144). This quote says not only did Gatsby not hit her he tried to steer the car so it would not hit Myrtle but was too late. Daisy was driving Gatsby’s car and struck Myrtle killing her on impact without ever stopping or slowing down. Because Daisy was driving Gatsby’s car Tom had told Myrtle’s husband George that Gatsby was the one who had hit her. Daisy was aware that Tom had told George that and she never told anybody the truth of what happened. When Nick asked Gatsby if Daisy was driving he said “Yes but of course I’ll say I was”(Fitzgerald 143). Gatsby took the blame for Daisy because Daisy was too worried about herself getting in trouble. In order to get his revenge George sneaks up to Gatsby while he is swimming and he shoots and kills him. He then turns the gun and shoots himself after saying that “God sees everything”(Fitzgerald 160). It can be argued that Daisy is also responsible for the death of George too but there is almost no doubt that she was the reason Gatsby was killed. Daisy could have saved Gatsby if she had come out with the truth and George may have not been able to kill Daisy if he .went after her. Even if George did go after her she was the one who had …show more content…

One is “By worst character, I mean Daisy is the villain of this whole story. She's manipulative and cruel but hides it behind her whimsical stare.” (Tanner 1). This is saying that Daisy is the true antagonist of the story but her beautiful looks make her seem innocent and harmless. Another is “Tom, an arrogant husband, and Daisy, an oblivious wife, are incredibly hard to connect with. Especially when we find out their deepest secrets.”(Tanner 1). This quote is saying like the previous one that even though Daisy seems innocent she is quite the opposite of that. A quote comparing her to another villain is “She can also be seen as a Siren with her alluring voice full of money leading Gatsby, an innocent voyager, to his doom.” (Aspects of Tragedy: Text Overview-The Great Gatsby). This is saying she is like a villain from The Odyssey that appears great but will lead innocent people to their deaths. Through these quotes it can be seen as to why Daisy can be called the

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