
Examples Of Darkness In Macbeth

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In the beginning of the tragedy, Macbeth, there are three witches who only appear when darkness, thunderstorms, and lightning occur. Such as when the darkness arises evil things begin to happen. The three witches in the play first appear saying “When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or rain” (1.1.1-2). This signals how the witches only appear when bad weather is occurring, this presents how the beginning of how the tragic play begins. The three witches also appear only when bad things are occurring or about to occur.
Also, an example of wicked darkness in Macbeth is when Lady Macbeth receives word of Duncan coming to stay with her and Macbeth. When she receives this news, Lady Macbeth plans how they will murder Duncan. Lady Macbeth declares “Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe topful of direst cruelty!” (1.5.40-44) This is Lady Macbeth’s way of saying take all of her feminine weakness away and make her evil. Like when she is going to commit this murderous act of loyal friend of hers and Macbeth. Therefore this shows how, Lady Macbeth lives in darkness without even being aware of these evil actions. …show more content…

When they commit the murder of their loyal friend, Duncan, this cues the beginning of many tragedies that will occur. Duncan’s murder occurs in darkness leaving him oozing with blood by the daggers that he was slain with he never expected coming from Macbeth and his wife. For example Shakespeare says “And yet dark night strangles the traveling lamp: Is’t night’s predominance, or the day’s shame, that darkness does the face of each entomb, when living light should kiss it” (2.4.7-10)? This is explaining Duncan’s death and when the sun goes down and darkness is upon, bad things begin to

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