
Examples Of Dehumanization In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Elie Wiesel describes numerous ways people are stripped of their humanity. Elie and his father and those around him were dehumanized. I think this happened because they had lost hope to live on and because they experience such horrible thing in the concentration camp. I think this lasting impact had the people who in the concentration to forget who they were and forget that they are human. Elie and other Jews were dehumanized in many ways like their name, feeling, etc. For example, “I became A-7713. From then on, I had no other name” (pg.42). This quote proves that the Jews became “nobodies” when the Nazis stripped them of their names; they lost their self-image and the way others viewed them changed after they lost their names as well. According to the text, “I watched other hangings. I never saw a single victim weep. These withered bodies had long forgotten the bitter taste of tears.” (pg.63) This quote proves that they do not have any feeling even if they died, they didn’t even shed tears at all. …show more content…

For example, “At that moment in time, all that mattered to me was my daily bowl of soup, my crust of stale bread. The bread, the soup- those were my entire life.” (pg.52) This quote proves that Elie only cares about his food and nothing else. According to the text, “In the wagon where the bread had landed, a battle had ensued. Men were hurling themselves against each other, trampling, tearing at and mauling each other.” (pg. 101) This quote shows that they no longer care about other people they only want food, they even are willing to fight for

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