
Examples Of Denial In Catcher In The Rye

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The coming of age is inevitable. It cannot be avoided and as much as one tries to make an effort to hold on to youth, it will slip out of their grasp. Two types of reactions will occur when adulthood is approaching: acceptance or denial. Holden Caulfield of J.D. Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye is a teenager in denial. His experiences with the real world along with the benefits and downfalls pushes him to believe that staying youthful is the best way to live. In addition, the people he meets within them will guide his impressions of adulthood. As a result of encountering his old teacher who haunts his mind with thoughts of age and death, he struggles with the fear of advancing into adulthood and the aspiration of forever sustaining his childhood. …show more content…

He was on top of Thomsen Hill deciding on the proper farewell to Pencey Prep. Holden has a rule to have some form of a good-bye before leaving a place and once he says his good-by, he will know that he is leaving that place for good. He reminisces, It was just before dinner and it was getting pretty dark out, but we kept chucking the ball around anyway. It kept getting darker and darker, and we could hardly see the ball any more, but we didn't want to stop doing what we were doing. Finally we had to. This teacher that taught biology, Mr. Zambesi, stuck his head out of this window in the academic building and told us to go back to the dorm and get ready for dinner. (Salinger …show more content…

Upon entering Phoebe’s elementary school to leave her a note, he stumbles upon a fuck you written on a wall. He immediately rubs the words off the wall and proceeds to deliver his note. While leaving the school he notices, “‘Fuck you’ on the wall. I tried to rub it off with my hand again, but this one was scratched on, with a knife or something. It wouldn't come off” (Salinger 262). His encounter with the first fuck you was a warning to grow up but he wipes it away as an act of ignorance. The second one is permanent and this time it is not a warning. It is a command. All of the fuck yous are signs telling Holden to accept that sex will eventually happen within growing up. Despite Holden’s efforts to ignore the signs, they will incessantly come back until he embraces adulthood. Rachel Lynn Golden, Wyndol Furman and Charlene Collibee of "The Risks and Rewards of Sexual Debut" agree, “The first intercourse experience, or sexual debut, is considered a stepping-stone to later sexual and relationship development and a significant milestone along the developmental transition to adulthood” (Golden, Furman, and Collibee 1 ). Holden refuses and creates excuses within the occurrence of any sexual related event. For instance, he hires a prostitute but he only wants to talk to her. A second example is the opportunity to say hello to his childhood lover, Jane, however, he can not work up

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