
Examples Of Dialectical Journal For Night By Elie Wiesel

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Journal #1 The quote “First they came for the Jews” means that people will ignore trouble and if they don’t speak out for other people it will be too late. Also, I think that we should not ignore injustice against specific groups just because we are not a member of that group and because one day we might become the victims and then nobody will defend us. For example, if people see a problem that is happening why not speak out, so that the problem could stop. One related example that we see in the book Night by Elie Wiesel is when Elie says that “How was it possible that men, women, and children were being burned and the world kept Silent?”. This is related because all the people were treated badly like slaves in a place where no one could …show more content…

Elie describes that night saying “never shall I forget that smoke, the small faces of children whose bodies I saw transformed into smoke under a silent sky, and those flames that consumed my faith foe ever”. I think that reading what Elie says we imagine a difficult moment he is passing through because he as a child could be traumatize by looking at what he is saying. Also, looking how people get burned we might think that we could be next to get burn in death. In that moment to Elie this event results in a loss of faith, for he cannot fathom how his God would allow innocent babies to perish in such a way. We might think that in that moment Elie don’t trust in God because how can God let people to kill each other or Why does God not help those people who are getting killed. Another image to never forget from the book is when Elie and his father separated from his mother and sister. This moment is unforgettable to Elie and me because the relationship with a mother is strong that when we get separated from a mother in a bad way it’s like something on our heart breaks into pieces and because we don’t know if Elie will see her mother and sister again of if they are going to be burn in death. A sad image from the book is when the SS Officer hangs the little pippel. The little pippel was nice, young innocent kid, but he didn’t …show more content…

Also, he means that been death will be better than living at that moment, that it would be so easy to stop and give up and die because he will not feel pain anymore. He wouldn’t be cold, his foot would not feel pain, and he wouldn’t be hungry or tired from long walking. He also will not see how other people are suffering and dying every day because he will be death. I think that Elie would choose to die but he dint because his dad was giving him the strength to keep on. Elie and the prisoners were the exposed to the horrible inhumanity because they were treated brutal like an animal that just obey order and not consider like a normal person. For example, it is like losing my house, losing my parents and even my name it’s like my life would be valued anymore and next that they will kill me so, why keep caring of that. Also, things that cause people lose their sense of dignity and human are that working hard the whole day and not drinking water or eat just waiting to hear the bell that means that the day is finish. Also, looking at people starving for food trying to eat, kill each other just because for food lead to lose their sense of dignity and humanity. I also think that people cannot fight back to the soldiers because if they do they will be putting their life in risk of becoming death.I think that if I were Elie I will give up because I knew

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