
Examples Of Dialectical Journal For Rip Van Winkle

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Rip Van Winkle Journal
In Rip Van Winkle, it portrays a stereotypical marriage where the woman is constantly nagging her husband to do the things that she wants him to do. This story has a lot of derogatory language towards Rip Van Winkle’s wife, Dame Van Winkle and marriage in general. The narrator says that Rip Van Winkle after a fight would “take to the outside of the house – the only side which, in truth, belongs to a hen-pecked husband” (47).
Rip Van Winkle is described as a man who “was one of those happy mortals, of foolish, well-oiled dispositions, who take the world easy, eat white bread or brown, whichever can be got with least thought or trouble, and would rather starve on a penny than work for a pound” (46). He was a stubborn man …show more content…

Hester ends up becoming pregnant from this encounter. She has her daughter Pearl from it. Hester is forced to wear a letter A on her chest at all times because of this. This shows that in this time period, people were very limited when it came to marriage and sex. She was unable to deal with the matter privately because the church is what ruled the law in that time. The 10 commandments were laws to them. Hester ends up being in prison for becoming pregnant and isn’t release for a while. After she was released, she was forced to wear the big, red A that was supposed to symbolize the fact that she had an affair. She was the image of the fallen for the …show more content…

They damned Hester because of the fact her child was not from a marriage. They wanted someone to “stand on the scaffold by her side” (44). Which shows that they didn’t really want to condemn her just because she is a woman, but they still want her to be brought to moral justice because having extramarital affairs is bad. Arthur Dimmesdale, who admits to being Pearl’s father, may not have experienced the same public ridicule as Hester did, but he did put himself through a great amount of grief. The sexual experience between the two of them really had a negative impact on their lives. Hester was publicly embarrassed and is forced to wear the A for the rest of her life and Dimmesdale feels immense guilt because he never faced his sins. He ends up physically destroying himself due to the guilt. He was never put through the same experience as Hester, but he put himself through a large amount of punishment as

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