
Examples Of Discrimination In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Discrimination Essay The book “To Kill a Mockingbird” By Harper Lee, takes place during the Civil Rights Movement. Alabama has many colored and mixed skin toned people during this time period. All through the progress of the Civil Rights these people are still treated differently. In Maycomb there is a big segregation between skin color and the lower and higher class of jobs. Women are also treated as lower class people but, not as much as colored people. To Kill a Mockingbird, racism, classism, and sexism are a big factor and major key in the town of Maycomb. In the book “To Kill a Mockingbird” Harper Lee compares whites and blacks to each other if you were white and you didn’t like a black that was wrong for you to do. In the city of Maycomb racism is a huge key factor. An example of this is the black and white community being separated on Sunday’s in there own church. When Jem and Scout showed up at church with Calpurnia it surprised Lula so Lula asked, “I wants to know why you bringin white chillun to nigger church. You ain’t got no business bringin …show more content…

If you were a girl and didn’t dress like a girl you were called a boy. There are many more in the book “To Kill a Mockingbird’ but, I'm gonna tell you one I think is very important. “ If I said as sunnily as I could, “Hey Mrs. Dubose,” I would receive for an answer , “Don’t you say hey to me, you ugly girl”(99)! AFter this you get a good impression of Mrs. Dubose. Jem and Scout really thought Mrs. Dubose was a old grouchy lady. Until Atticus told them that Mrs. Dubose was working very hard to break her addiction of morphine. Mrs. Dubose´s attitude towards Scout shows that she disapproves of girls like Scout wearing overalls, shirt, and boots. Mrs. Dubose believes that a girl can´t be pretty if she isn't wearing girls clothes. This is sexism because you shouldn't judge a girl by what they're wearing a girl should be able to wear whatever they want to

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