
Examples Of Ethos Pathos Logos

Decent Essays

Week 2, Discussion 1: Initial Post After considering the information in this week’s instructor guidance and readings, I understand ethos, pathos, and logos to be a way we communicate with others by appealing to them in different ways. For example in my research paper I am trying to persuade my audience into believing that that it is best for police officers and other law enforcement personal to wear body cameras at all times while assisting or responding to any type of call. For my specific argument I plan on using ethos by appealing to the credibility of my paper. I anticipate on using statistics and a thorough annotated bibliography to support my claim. I will use, pathos to appeal to my reader’s emotion. After reading and watching some of the horror stories that have been effecting our country recently worldwide. I believe my readers will be able to feel my plea when I write about the loss of lives and blatant poor training and behavior to achieve this. Logos is an appeal to logic and I hope I am able to convey my argument in a way where it wouldn’t take a rocket scientist to understand where I am coming from. I will use logos by using proper terminology and not a casual tone so my readers will only have to read and use common sense to see what I am trying to convey. …show more content…

Claim #1:
• There are positive effects on the relationships between Law enforcement and community when Law personal wear Body Cameras
Claim #2:
• Persons are less likely to use force when body cameras are present
• To ensure the safety of law enforcement and the

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