
Examples Of Figurative Language In Into Thin Air

Satisfactory Essays

Many examples of figurative language can be found in "Into Thin Air," by Jon Krakauer. There is imagery (sight and perception/ feeling) on page eleven: "...the frigid predawn gloom..." Further along in the story, on page 156, Mr. Krakauer alludes/implies that imminent dangers are threatening through his descriptions of repeated accidents on Mount Everest in April-May 1996, and finally, on pages 228 and 229, there is a simile: "Boom! Boom! Two times like sound of gun..." What is described as "like sound of gun" by a sherpa is actually the sound of thunder from the storm.Jon Krakauer's word choice helps develop the point of view by expressing actual appearances and opinions that collectively show the reader what is going on. The character's (Mr.

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