
Examples Of Foreshadowing In Romeo And Juliet

Satisfactory Essays

Why Foreshadowing was Used in The Tragedy of Romeo And Juliet Have you ever wondered what will happen before it happens? Well while reading Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare uses foreshadowing. This lets the reader know what could happen in future events. Think about the importance of foreshadowing in Romeo and Juliet and how it helps the reader understand the play more. Foreshadowing is a warning or indication of a future event. The prologue is a great example of foreshadowing. It sets the scene, the time, the place, and what´s going on in the play before you ever read it. The prologue also gives you a hint of what will happen at the end of the play. Another great example of foreshadowing is in Act II. ¨My grave is like to be my wedding bed”

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