
Examples Of Gollum In The Hobbit

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Everyone needs a role model to look up to. Sometimes, seemingly good influences are not all that good. Sometimes, the people we pick to accompany us on our journey through life can turn out to be not such a great model after all. An example of this is Gollum. This character from The Hobbit would not be a good influence to a happy and healthy life. Generally, Gollum has an evil, greedy nature. Bilbo Baggins even thinks: “Utterly miserable as Gollum sounded, Bilbo could not find much pity in his heart, and he had a feeling that anything Gollum wanted so much could hardly be something good.” (Hobbit 77) This shows that others rightly assumed that the creature was corrupted and evil. Gollum does not set a good example of consideration of others, which is a very important trait. Murat Arslan describes Gollum in an article: “This fierce creature who is obsessed with himself and plans to eat Bilbo.” (139) “[Bilbo] must get away, out of this horrible darkness, while he had any strength left. He must fight. He must stab the foul thing, put its eyes out, kill it. It meant to …show more content…

He cannot be described as social. Living in the Misty Mountains, he lives alone and spends his time hunting for fish and, with the help of the Ring, the occasional goblin. Though the Gollum that we are introduced to in The Hobbit is broken and evil-like, he was not always like this. The riddle game that Gollum plays with Bilbo shows that he was once a part of society. In Robin Robertson’s view, “the riddle game is life’s attempt to call back Gollum from the depths to which he has sunk. It is a reminder that he was once a Hobbit, and that there are rules respected by all.” (96) The “rules” that Robertson refers to are simply the rules of society, which are generally accepted by all in a community. Gollum following these rules show that he is not as far gone as he appears to be, but he still stands as a bad influence in

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