
Examples Of Good Vs Evil In Beowulf

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Beowulf Fights 3 Diverse Monsters by Burton Raffel

In Beowulf By: Burton Raffel, Beowulf has the strength to tear off a person's arm and provides numerous ways to prove his good and heroic nature. The Good vs. Evil theme is quite astonishing and captures your attention from the very first page. Beowulf displays the conflict between a fearless warrior and a strange creature known as Grendel. Burton Raffel depicts the dispute between good and evil all for satisfactory and reputation. In this text, we are shown three battles that will leave you speechless! Between all three intense battles we are shown how Beowulf always fights for the good of others considering his enemy is usually that of evil.

In the first fight in the series of three, we see Beowulf face off with Grendel and show his bravery, leadership and strength. Grendel was attacking Heorot and Beowulf knew this had to be stopped. Beowulf was a fearless fighter and fought Grendel without any armor or weapons. Beowulf's strength was unlike any other, this is essentially proven mid fight when Grendel's arm is ripped from his body by the bare hands of Beowulf. This bloody battle signifies Beowulf as a hero since he took on Grendel, a task that no other man would dare, …show more content…

Beowulf approached this fight with caution and wore armor to protect himself. Coming into the fight Beowulf knew it would be more of a challenge than the one with her son, therefore he was mentally and physically prepared for any outcome. This fight signified Beowulf as courageous due to the fact that despite Beowulf knowing that she was going to put up a tough fight. Only to prove his theory of her not backing down to him, Beowulf found himself pinned down under her. While being pinned he didn't give up, Beowulf kept fighting and grabbed a magical sword from the wall of Grendel's mother and sliced her in half. Beowulf had prevailed and defeated his toughest competitor, Grendel's

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