
Examples Of Greed In Macbeth

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Power can change people for the good or for the bad. It can make one so greedy that they will do anything for it and won’t let anything stand in their way for power. The play Macbeth illustrates this well, it shows the impact and consequences that the greed for power has on some people. However, it also shows that there are still some who are not sucked in by the greed that power can bring. In the play, the main character, Macbeth gets corrupted by his greediness for power. He was corrupted by wanting power so much that he killed the King so that he could become the new king. Even after he got the position of being king, he still goes on to kill more people in order to secure his position. It didn't matter who they were, even it was his friends. If it meant his position as king wasn't or won't be secure, he would get rid of those in the way. You can see Macbeth’s priorities aren’t straight as a result of his greediness for power. …show more content…

In my own opinion, Lady Macbeth gets corrupted by power the most. For example, her opinion about murder is that if it is going to help her get what she wants, then she approves of it. When Macbeth has his doubts, Lady Macbeth manipulates Macbeth when she call upon “...spirits/That tend on mortal thoughts...” to “Stop up th’ access and passage to remorse/That to compunctious visitings of nature/Shake my fell purpose...” (1.5.41-42 and 45-47). What Lady Macbeth is saying here is that if she would do anything to make her husband, Macbeth, King. This shows hat all she wants is power and nothing

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