
Examples Of Greed In The Crucible

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Throughout the text of The Crucible, author Arthur Miller portrays the Salem Witch Trials as an occurrence based in emotion, rather than logic. Although the church maintained an influence in the trials, the main cause of witchcraft convictions was not religious fear. Rather, the trials stood as a testament to the enormous amount of vengeance inherent in society, be it today, or nearly four centuries ago. Much of the same forces that drove the witchcraft hysteria of the 17th century drive the social climate of the present day. Among these problems in society include fear, particularly prominent in The Crucible with allegations both commonplace and irrational. Jealousy, too, is a driving force in the witch trials with regard to the social status of the higher clergy, or over a land dispute. Overall, fear, jealousy, and greed contribute to the witchcraft hysteria by strengthening the cause and prolonging its control over society. One of the most significant control …show more content…

One case of greed in The Crucible involves a man who bought a pig from Martha Corey, one which died shortly thereafter the sale. While reasonably it can be inferred that Goody Corey had nothing to do with the pig’s death, the man nonetheless accuses her of witchcraft. Another instance of greed in The Crucible involves the conflict between Giles Corey and Reverend Parris over firewood. Where Parris claims that the wood is part of his salary, Corey accuses Parris of being excessively greedy and not deserving of the firewood. “. . . Mr. Corey, you will look far for a man of my kind at sixty pound a year! I am not used to this poverty; I left a thrifty business in the Barbados to serve the Lord.”(Act I). Although Parris was never convicted of witchcraft, the incident shows how Arthur Miller uses greed to develop the theme of hysteria in

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