
Examples Of Greed In Virunga

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If you give someone a little of something, then they will try to take more. This feeling is known to all humans as desire or most notably greed. In director Orlando von Einsiedel’s 2014 documentary, Virunga, the positives and negatives of this intemperance are shown through the Rangers of the Congo National Park Virunga and the British Oil Company SOCO. Following Gorilla caretaker André Bauma, head park ranger Rodrigue Katembo, Chief Warden Emmanuel de Merode, and French Journalist Mélanie Gouby the beauty of desire is revealed for eachs own diversified love of the park. However, SOCO’s motives of sacrificing anything and everything in their way for oil shows a darker greed exhibited by the world around Virunga. Through the use of ambiguity …show more content…

The first scene of the film contains the destruction of a poaching camp, Rodrigue comments, “...the poachers have many ways of making money through the park…” (Einsiedel). Rodrigue recognizes the poachers motivations, despite his stance as a ranger, which differs from the American perception of the sport of the hunt rather than the payoff from it. The hunter's greed, moreover, is centralized on the payoff as well as the hunt in a more negative connotation as evident by a latter quote from Rodrigue, “...the poachers get satisfaction out of it all…they get their money and their hunt...” (Einsiedel). Then in retrospect the Rangers also tie into the ambiguity of this scene. They have a desire to protect the animals and the park as they have given their lives to protect it from poachers in juxtaposition to the poachers approach of the hunt. Rodrigue’s backstory even explains his position as a ranger as he says, “...the park gave me a new life, so I gave my life to the park…” allowing the audience to view the rangers, especially Rodrigue, as a nobility of the park …show more content…

The two funerals in the film bring out the strongest of the Rangers as they show their desire to protect the park. The funeral for the fallen Ranger shows the ultimate action one can show to truly show the desire for the “...wish that the park lives forever,” (Einsiedel). Then further along the story of the Gorilla siblings, Ndeze and Ndakasi, dead parents shows the Rangers desire to protect the park evolves by honoring the dead Gorilla by carrying them to have a proper burial and respecting them as if they were family. The act shows that these Rangers took this and made it into something and then took more making something beautiful, in reference to Ndeze and Ndakasi being safe with André. In contrast, however, the company SOCO got an inch in the possibility of oil in the park and nearby Lake Edward and tried to take a mile by making greed filled decisions only based for themselves with no regard for outwrite consequences for their

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